Saturday, June 19, 2010

Question Everything in Life

Good writing spurs from the internal debate if life is as truthful as it is perceived to be.

Every day we hear the news and discuss problems we are facing as a country and in our personal lives. These discussions allow people to bounce their thoughts and opinions off of one another to formulate a stance on a particular argument. When questions and doubt rise in your mind you are thinking critically. This is just the start and the pathway to writing truthfully and passionately.

When it comes to placing our thoughts into written words, detail is key. We need to not forget the process we went through to reach our conclusion. The process is one of the most important parts of writing by allowing the reader to see how and why you have come to your stated conclusion. If you jump from stating the problem right to what you think, the reader will not understand your logic and chances are will not agree with your point. Guide the reader. Take them step by step through each question you stumbled upon and caused you to think critically. Let them into your mind and think as you do. If you get them to see the problem through your eyes the reader will be able to relate and your argument will be strong and credible.

Over the past few weeks I have been searching for topics to discuss that I am passionate about. It was made clear through this week’s lecture that I can write about everything I come in contact with in my daily routine. There are so many topics that raise question in my mind and lead me to feel a certain way. I create my own argument without realizing.

One thing I intend to work on is taking note of everything that raises question in my mind and formulating an outline of my thought process. Sharing the same step by step process of how I came to a conclusion will help the reader see the argument from my point of view.

I will not find my passion right away but in time, without warning, I will stumble across it. The desire to research and continue to question its truthfulness will show that I have found a topic which I am passionate about and allow me to formulate a strong thesis. I am almost too anxious for that time to come!

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