Sunday, June 13, 2010

Final Topic

After much thought and debate on the specifics of my European Life topic, I decided I am going to change it a bit to make it more specific. I wish I could do everything I talked about but it would be too unorganized attempting to touch base on everything I want to inform my readers about. Instead I have continued thinking a great deal about my niche. I came to a FINAL decision that I love food and it really was the focus of my affection when I was abroad traveling to each country. I gained 20 pounds in 5 months, says something right? I wish to share my favorite dishes from different countries around Europe. I will include dishes I have personally tried with my thoughts as well as dishes that I did not have the opportunity to try.

A Taste of Europe will be the title of my topic. Each week a different country will be featured and I will share a MUST have meal that this country is known for as well as any significance this dish has to the country’s history and culture.

This is a perfect topic for me to cover as I am passionate about food and traveling the world. What I aim to do is introduce my audience to foreign food and hopefully trigger a desire to want to try it. I realize I am writing for an American audience who may not be traveling to Europe any time soon so I wish to offer them ideas for meals that they can prepare and serve in their own home.

I hope you all like my idea. I am excited to get started!

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