Sunday, July 18, 2010

Elevator Pitches and One Liners

Elevator Pitch 1:

There is nothing that people love more than food. You need it to survive so why not indulge in the most delicious foods this planet has to offer?

The world we live in today is united as one on the internet. Distance, religion, or language doesn’t matter when it comes to searching on the World Wide Web. A website should be established highlighting all of the amazing foods offered around the globe, and I am the perfect person to create this for you.

The website will offer a wide range of foods from all over the world. There will be extensive search options by country, by meal, and even by ingredient, to help the user navigate through the page easily. There will be a page for users to submit their own authentic recipes to keep the lists extensive and up to date as much as possible.

Why should someone living in America be limited to the American dishes they see every day? Allow them to learn about and indulge in Hungary’s Hungarian Goulash and a fine Crepe from France. Check out some of Europe’s finest dishes on my blog, A Tate of Europe.

Sentence Pitch 1:

If you’re feeling stuck with the same food every day, check out A Taste of Europe to bring new ideas and exiting treats into your home!

Elevator Pitch 2:

Every show you see on TV seems to feature foods here in America. Not that they aren’t exciting and delicious, but people want more! They want to know what exciting treats lurk beyond the boundaries of the United States!

Creating a television show featuring countries and their cuisine around the world would be a perfect new show for viewers who love food. It will be titled, Foreign Fare. Each episode will feature a different country and all of the wonderful dishes they have to offer.

This show would not only be centered around food. There is a great deal of history behind many dishes around the world including European and Asian countries. Their history dates back thousands of years through their food in their traditions and rituals. This information needs to be shared!

This will be the final incentive to get people out there are travel the world! There is so much to see and so many delicious foods to try. Together let me help you produce an amazing show to captivate the audience and educate them on the scrumptious foods of the world!

Sentence Pitch 2:

If your taste buds are hungry and you’re looking for some excitement, come travel with us around the globe as we learn and try all the delicious foods this planet has to offer!

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