Thursday, May 27, 2010

Where Do I Belong?

My undergraduate career consisted of many 101 courses as I was eager and unsure where to find my niche. I originally applied to Quinnipiac University for the broadcast program. I love taping and editing video footage to make it my own and tell a story. While in high school I was the main news anchor for our morning television show and every teacher in the technology department was my best friend. After I graduated I was asked to come back and be the videographer for the Director of the technology department’s wedding with one of my good friends. I did it a few more times for his friends who he recommended me to. Broadcast journalism was my life and I thought I was sure that was what I wanted to do.

When I arrived at school I immediately joined the television network at Quinnipiac and after a semester I absolutely hated it. Maybe a part of it was because I wasn’t the top dog anymore, but I had to quit because I wasn’t making friends and the seniors who ran the program weren’t welcoming. I didn’t get a chance or a second thought to be asked to help since I was the freshman and didn’t know anything. It was more frustrating than anything considering the editing program Quinnipiac uses is Final Cut Pro and I was a complete wiz at it from my HS experience. I try not to think this scared me away from what I really wanted but I do have to admit I am still kind of lost in where I should be at the moment.

I declared my major in Public Relations because I am very outgoing and love to interact with people. One thing I know for sure is I cannot have a job sitting at a desk typing numbers into a database all day. I need to get out there and interact, make my opinion known, and let my mind run freely. There are some aspects of PR that I absolutely love but others that I really disliked which makes me not fully satisfied with my degree. I would love to have an internship in PR to get a real grasp on what is it like, but another part of me thinks I should follow my marketing minor. I did better in the classes and always received positive feedback from my professors.

This leads me to where I am now, Interactive Communications. I want something more than the marketing and public relations I’ve been studying. I think with this degree can combine my love for editing media clips, like I did in HS with Final Cut Pro, with internet marketing and public relations. Everything is moving to the internet and even though I am nervous I think this is just the program to steer me in the direction I want to be.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Heather,
    I thought your article, “Where Do I Belong” was well written and told a good story. It is too bad that you didn’t follow through with your dream and that it was a difficult area to pursue (with the upper classman), but it leads to a Masters Degree, so I guess it all works out in the end. I thought your article had a great beginning and really captured the audience. My criticism would be the ending. The beginning was so intriguing, that the ending left you hanging. I know that you graduated with a PR degree, but what do you do now? Are you working, are you doing the Masters full time? Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
    With the passion that you have for producing and editing film, I think this article needs more depth on where you want to take it. For me, this program is more about communications and being on the forefront of technology, but for you, you have a lot more experience and dedication to the film aspect…so I want to hear more about it!
    You have a great delivery for a story, which for me is absolutely critical because I want to read it. I would just suggest you follow through with your thoughts! Great start!
