Thursday, May 27, 2010


My name is Heather Bacci and I am 21 years old. To start off with the basics I graduated 2 weeks ago from Quinnipiac University with a BA in Public Relations and a minor in Marketing. I am originally from central New Jersey right near Rutgers University and Princeton University. I am somewhat short standing at 5’2 but love to embrace it and all its advantages. The worst part is the unreachable top shelf in the kitchen. I can’t be climbing on the counters all my life so am I going to have to purchase a step-stool? Maybe I’ll just cross my fingers that I marry a tall man!

All my life I have played sports. As a kid I tried everything! T-ball wasn’t my thing as I would sit down in the outfield and pick grass the whole game. I’m sure my coach wasn’t too happy with me but I needed something more interactive and fast pace. I found my niche in soccer and gymnastics, and when I went to HS girls lacross was brought to our township and I was instantly in love! I am not a part of any sport organizations now but I love to try and stay in shape. With a combination of being lazy, my schedule and my budget I cannot get myself to the gym as often as I’d like.

Music and food are a passion of life. Food in the morning gives me enough incentive to get up and start my day, is that bad? I am not a huge cook and pretty picky; I am probably the only Italian in the world who doesn’t like tomatoes or tomato sauce. The food I do like I eat a lot of and keeps me extremely happy! My mom and friends claim that I can be in the worst mood, but give me some food and I will start humming and smiling like a little kid. Music is another big part of my life. Music soothes my soul, to throw a cliché out there, but it is true. If I want to relax I have a Mellow Yellow playlist on my ipod and if I want to get pumped up I have a Partayy playlist. I love all kinds of music, except for hard rock and rap mostly because I never know what they are talking about. I like music I can sing along and rock out to during my long drive back to New Jersey. I love learning new songs, old and new, anyone have some favorites to recommend?

The job market is very intimidating to me right now. None of my friends have jobs and they are all scared and unsure what to do next. I applied for a few jobs but I always knew I wanted to continue my education to incorporate the media into my studies more than I did in my undergraduate career.

I am a bit timid starting this Masters program as I am jumping right into two courses 505de (Web Programming) and 506de (Writing for Interactive Media) without any previous experience in Interactive Communications. I am worried I will be too far behind and not exactly sure what the course load will be like for a master’s program, let alone an online class. I hope I find what I am looking for but excited to start!


  1. Heather, great biosketch. I too am just starting this Masters program and I think we share some of the same fears. Not only do I feel like I am going to be way behind since I haven't taken any other ICM courses yet but I have also never taken an online course OR used Twitter OR a blog. Best of luck to us both! Hopefully we are worrying for nothing. I saw you are also taking web programming. Me too. I know little about HTML stuff and already feel like that is going to be the easier course.
    I am sure we will be seeing lots of posts from each other between the two classes. Just know you are not alone in feeling out of the loop or behind.

    Hey, you are already a step ahead of me, I had no clue what a biosketch was!

  2. I don't think you need to worry about not taking any previous ICM courses. I started the program last semester. I only have 2 classes under my belt. I think both classes this summer you can come into without having taken any classes previously. Our group all felt the same when we started - nervous and uncertain.

    Good luck. And I applaud you for starting grad school right after you graduated. I waited 6 years.

  3. Hi Heather,
    First and foremost, welcome to the class. Don’t be too worried about it, it seems like we’re all on the same path. I have taken 2 courses so far with many of the same people in these two courses (506 and 508) last semester, and although there are a huge variety of experience levels, we’re all in the same boat! We are only 2 courses a head, and they were consecutive courses back to back. The course load seems to be a little different for these 2 courses because they are 12 weeks opposed to the 7 weeks, so it’s a little more laxed then the previous ones. Don’t worry, you’ll be fine!

    I think it’s really ambitious of you to go right from undergraduate to graduate school! I think your biosketch was interesting for an “about me” type article, but I think it needs more professionalism to it. For example, talking about music and your interests is great, and although I know what you’re trying to get across, maybe using words like “partayy” isn’t what you want in a “biosketch”.

    To me, a biosketch should be more about your career plans and future goals, what you’ve done and excelled in and what you want to do and how to get there. I would start with the last two paragraphs and work from there. I think those two paragraphs have a good solid base for a more detailed biosketch.

    Working in a Pharmaceutical company, we often receive biosketches from principle investigators who want to conduct some trials with us. Their biosketches are in the third person and are like as if someone else was writing about them…maybe you could try that!

    Overall, I think your writing was good, but I think you need to focus more on the idea of what you want to get across about yourself. I think if you channel your thoughts to that, this piece would be really good!
